A few tips so you can enjoy homework more!

A few tips so you can enjoy homework more!


Most of us can agree homework isn’t our first choice of how we want to spend our day, but I found a few ways I feel help it to be a pleasant experience and make it go by faster.

  1. I like to wake up a little earlier so I can finish sooner and enjoy the rest of my day.


  1. I usually make myself a cup of tea or any preferred beverage. If possible, have a designated spot to do homework. It feels nice to be organized and it lessens stress. A little more on the organized part is to have some sort of homework caddy with easy to find pens, pencils, scissors, tape, etc.


  1. I also get a blanket and pillows, to create a cozy, relaxed environment to work in.


  1. Have a water bottle to stay hydrated and a little snack like carrots, fruit, popcorn or whatever option is your preference.


  1. I use a clipboard so I can curl up in a chair or window seat and still have a hard surface to write on.


  1. I also take breaks and go outside with my dog for short little walks or a quick game of fetch.


  1. I also try to view it like a job. Like I’m at work, want to be responsible and make my employer (my mom) happy. I also have peace of mind and find it easier to relax during my free time knowing that I completed my work.

All these things really help me to sweeten my time doing homework just a little bit. I hope you find a suggestion that helps you too! And if you have any ideas of how you enhance your homework time put them in the comments, I love hearing new ideas to try!


~Soleil Monet